Eternity rings are the ultimate Valentine's Day gift. If you've been married for one or for fifty years, eternity rings are bound to take anyone's breath away. Studded with diamonds, representing enduring love, the gift of eternity rings promises to blow away any other Valentine's gift for couples who are already married. In fact, if you're worried the romance is getting harder and harder to rekindle, eternity rings are the ultimate way of putting your relationship firmly into the forefront.
Platinum Eternity Rings – The True Meaning of Saint Valentine
The meaning of Valentine's Day has become somewhat lost in the deluge of commercialism that surrounds February 14th. Buying eternity rings is a serious commitment and expression of undying love and taps into the true meaning of the day. Saint Valentine's Day became a time to celebrate love as the date fell during a time of year associated with love – when Zeus and Hera married in Ancient Athens and during the Ancient Roman festival of Lupercus – the god of fertility. Exchanging eternity rings on the day is far more meaningful than giving plastic hearts and tacky cards.
Platinum Eternity Rings from Your Valentine?
The 14th February was officially declared St Valentine's Day in 496 to commemorate a third-century priest martyred in Rome. The priest was said to bravely conduct secret marriages despite Emperor Claudius in 270 AD banning young men from marrying as he felt it turned them into poor soldiers. Bishop Valentine was beheaded for carrying out the clandestine ceremonies in the name of love. Eternity rings are therefore a far more fitting and meaningful way to mark such a day then cuddly toys and chocolate hearts. On the eve of the Bishop's execution, it was thought that he passed a note to the jailer's daughter who he had fallen in love with, saying, “from your Valentine”.