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The perfect Christmas gift - a ring!

The perfect Christmas gift - a ring!

Asking someone to marry you is a big moment in your and their life, you want to do it right. Perhaps your other half has been hinting that they want to get married by casually dropping comments in here or there but you want to make it a surprise. Whatever your motivation, we hope it’s for love. And just don’t forget to buy normal Christmas presents as well – a ring is not a substitute!


Depending on how traditional you are you may want to ask her father for his blessing. You’ll probably propose anyway but it’s nice to have approval from your new in-laws-to-be. Once you’ve made up your mind that you are definitely going to ask your girlfriend to marry you it’s time to start thinking about the ring. What would she want? And what ring size is she? Yes, rings come in sizes! If she already wears a ring on her ring finger on either hand then the easy way to figure out the size is to draw around the inside onto a piece of paper. The jeweller can then place their guides to your drawing to figure out her size. If she already wears a ring on her ring finger on either hand then the easy way to figure out the size is to draw around the inside onto a piece of paper. The jeweller can then place their guides to your drawing to figure out her size. Alternatively, if you can get away with taking the ring with you without her noticing this will work well too. Princess cut, trilogy, solitaire? White gold, platinum or yellow gold? And how much should you pay? There are so many options. If you are unsure what your other half will like then take a female family member of hers along when picking the ring. It’s always nice to get a second opinion. On average most men will pay around 2 months’ worth of salary on a ring- after all, it will have to last a lifetime. This budget will depend on the precious metal you buy.

The Proposal

So you have the ring, you’ve spoken to her dad and now it’s just planning the perfect moment- Oh yes and plucking up the courage. There are many ways of proposing and everyone will do it differently but here are a few ideas to get your imagination into gear:


Go to your local printers and have a t-shirt in her size printed with the question “Will you?” Wrap it up and add it to the rest of her presents. When she opens it she will probably say something along the lines of “Will I what?” that’s the moment you get down on one knee with the ring and say “marry me”.


The ring will come in its own box but the size and shape is a dead giveaway. Wrap up the jewellery box and then place it inside a larger wrapped box and repeat in a Russian doll effect. This way she will have no idea what the present is and there will be a sense of excitement to figure out what it is.


If you are feeling creative then you could fix the ring to the angel at the top of the tree to form a halo. Not the artsy type? Don’t worry you could simply thread a piece of ribbon or thread through the ring and hang it as a Christmas tree decoration. I wonder how long it will take her to notice? Now you know the ins-and-outs of a Christmas proposal it’s time to do the deed. Plus when you are purchasing classic diamond wedding rings for your big day, you’ll know what you’re looking for now. Best of luck with the proposal! With a ring like that she can’t say no. A member of the British Jeweller’s Association, Platinum Ring Company sell one of the largest selections of quality platinum engagement rings, platinum wedding rings and platinum eternity rings online. Plus as they are not on the high street they can cut the costs, bringing you UK manufactured and hallmarked platinum rings at reasonable prices.