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Time to Reinvest in Marriage

There are many benefits to a long and happy marriage – we live longer, we are more fulfilled and we feel more secure. But statistics show that marriage rates are at an all time low. And divorce seems to dominate the news headlines. Is it time you revalued your relationship and considered investing in platinum eternity rings?

Platinum Eternity Rings – Celebrate your Union

According to a report in the Daily Mail, in 2006 marriage levels were at their lowest since records began 150 years ago. But some critics believe that it's time to reinvest in the institution as they believe marriage is crucial to society's health and well being. In fact, Shadow Home Secretary David Davis believes that the reduction in marriage is 'fuelling family breakdown'. Some believe more needs to be done to reinvest in the institution of marriage. Existing couples can re-affirm their union and belief in their marriage by exchanging platinum eternity rings. Eternity rings often feature an unbroken circle of diamonds that represent eternal love. But critics say it's more than love – marriage is a value system that infiltrates through society. They believe not enough respect has been given to marriage in recent years. And this is particularly glaring in the world of celebrity where divorces are high profile and very public, and where marriages that do succeed over a lifetime are considered rare. It's more common to read about the divorce battle of a celebrity couple than it is to hear about them exchanging platinum eternity rings on their 20th wedding anniversary.

Platinum Eternity Rings – Retake your Vows

Tory critics of the Labour government say their policies aren't helping – with benefits that pay parents extra to stay single. It's a chicken and egg situation as to whether the reduction in marriage is a cultural or an economic and political issue. But whatever the reason behind the statistics, those who are married would do well to reassess their union, retake their vows or consider investing in platinum eternity rings. Researcher Patricia Morgan told the newspaper that the breakdown in marriages is, “a disaster for children, families and society.” Perhaps it's time more of us considered investing in engagement rings, wedding rings and platinum eternity rings. The Office for National Statistics showed that in 2006, 22.8 men in every 1,000 and 20.5 of women were married – in 1862, the rate was 58.7 for men and 50 for women.