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Losing Wedding Rings Costs Millions

Wedding rings are increasingly expensive commodities, if Mariah Carey’s $16 million wedding ring is anything to go by, so, the news that over one in ten of men will lose their wedding rings within 12 weeks of marriage is costing millions of pounds. There are literally thousands of place where wedding rings can be lost; down shower drains, inadvertently thrown away or unwisely gambled in a game of poker but the cold, hard fact is that there are millions of pounds worth of wedding rings that men have yet to locate.

Wedding Rings – Fools Gold

Men are, alas, known for losing possessions but, according to a report by Prudential, men have lost wedding rings to the tune of £96 million during 2007. Wedding rings are often costing between one and three months salary these days which means that men are paying thousands of pounds on wedding rings only to go on and lose them within the first 3 months of marriage. Although, according to the report from Prudential, women are completely blameless when it comes to lost wedding rings as 8% of couples said in a survey that neither of them still possessed their original wedding ring.

Wedding Rings – Down The Plughole

Wedding rings are used to signify the unity and ongoing commitment to marriage but that doesn’t prevent men from allowing the symbolic jewellery literally slip through their fingers. So, if you’re Mariah Carey and have a multi-million pound wedding ring adorning your finger, you may want to be that bit more careful when you’re doing the washing up or when in the shower; particularly if you’re a man within three months of your wedding day.